chiama park hotel villa grazioli roma

Stanze delle Virtù
Park Hotel Villa Grazioli

In the “Stanza delle Virtù”, Ciampelli symbolizes the moral qualities and virtues of Cardinal Acquaviva.

Pegasus, the winged horse, symbolizes fame and is surrounded by four larger panels.

Two foreboding female figures sitting on thrones represent Generosity, easily recognizable by the Horn of Plenty, and Temperance.

The latter is ruined by rainwater.

On the shorter sides of the vault, there are two crests, held by pairs of little boys.

One is the crest of Pope Paul V Borghese, represented by a dragon and an eagle.

Originally, On the other side was the crest of Acquaviva, this was then covered with the rampant liones of the Montalto-Peretti family later owners of the Villa.

The corner panels of the vault are decorated with refined and delicate figures, painted in “grotesque” style.

Amongst them, held between angels are the representations of the Cardinal Virtues.

On either side each of Virtue we find small statues symbolizing the Season (Summer with ears of corn, Spring with flowers, Autumn with grapes and Winter covered with a cape) and the elements, (Earth, Air, Fire and water) enclosed within small pavilions.